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MultiPay Developer Documentation
The developer documentation provides introductory details on how to integrate your Mobile APP or Website into our MultiPay Payment Service. The documentation also details about our Payment Card Tokenisation services including our Hosted Field solution.
It also provides a step by step guide on how to include the Hosted Field solution to your website's payment page allowing you to submit online Guest Payments without the complexity of becoming PCI DSS complaint.
The API Documentation is automatically generated and describes each of the API calls. The 'Try It' API Console allows you to directly interact with the API to send API requests and receive a breakdown of the response. It also includes code samples in multiple languages.
The documentation also contain details on how to integration cardholder authentication (3D Secure) and use our Event Streamer to receive notifications of a transaction across PayPoint's Retail Network.
Our PayPoint APIs
Integrate your own Mobile APP or Website into our MultiPay Payment Service.
Send payment requests directly from your internal CRM or accounting platform.
Store Locator
Our Store Locator APIs provider details on any of our 28,000+ locations in the UK.
Our MultiPay APIs are REST based and communication is conducted over a HTTPS connection using TLS v1.2.
When you have signed up you will receive your API Subscription Key that must be specified in each request using the Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key header and the request body should be in the format of application/json.
The results of the MultiPay API requests are asynchronous meaning that you are required to provide a callback URL in the request where the response of the request is sent to.
The diagram to the right shows how each of the MultiPay APIs work together to perform the required service, click on the image to enlarge.