i-movo Voucher APIs

The following API details describe how you can generate or cancel a  Secure Digital Voucher from the i-movo Voucher Service.  The  documentation contain details about the  API request  POST parameters and the possible  responses from the  i-movo Voucher Service endpoints.

Request a Voucher API

To request a Secure Digital Voucher from the  i-movo Voucher Service a POST request is required containing: campaignCode  , customerReference,  and the value of the voucher  you  would like to generate. 

Upon successful submission of the request the API response will contain the voucher  number  or a link to an i-movo web voucher with barcode, help and a storefinder.   The voucher can also be delivered automatically by the i-movo Voucher Service, if your voucher campaign is set up to do so.


POST           https://core-uat-api.azurewebsites.net/VoucherRequest/Request

Request Header

  • X-API-KEY    - Your API Subscription Key must be specified  in the header for all requests.   This key will be supplied to you securely by PGP once we receive a public PGP key from you.   (string  / Required)

Request Body

The request body must contain:

  • campaignCode   - The campaign from which the voucher is being requested. The code will have been issued by i-movo.  (string  / Required)                             

  • customerReference  - Your customer reference for this request. Where i-movo is delivering the voucher, this needs to contain e.g. the customer’s mobile or email address. (string  / Required)

  • value  - For cash vouchers only, this parameter allows a client to set the value of the voucher being generated up to an agreed maximum.  (decimal / Optional)


Response: Successful

"voucherCode": "3721902693",
"balance": 20.00,
"expiryDate": 2020-06-23T23:59:59.9999999,
"message": "£20.00 CashOut voucher valid at any PayPoint to 23-Jun: http://imovo.org/3721902693TY OR shop: use CASHOUT > I-MOVO > 3721902693 > ENTER Help? 0800 310 0000",
"successfulRequest": true

Response: Error

"Unable to create voucher: the campaign code submitted does not exist"
"successfulRequest": false

 Response: Validation Error

"Unable to create voucher: the value entered is invalid"
"successfulRequest": false


Cancel a Voucher API

To instantly cancel a Secure Digital Voucher generated by  the   i-movo Voucher Service,  a simple  POST request is required containing the voucher  code that you wish to cancel.

A synchronous response containing the result of the request is returned and if successful the Secure Digital Voucher will be flagged as cancelled.


POST           https://core-uat-api.azurewebsites.net/Voucher/CancelVoucher

Request Header

  • X-API-KEY    - Your API Subscription Key must be specified  in the header for all requests.   This key will be supplied to you securely by PGP once we receive a public PGP key from you.   (string  / Required)

Request Body

The request body must contain:

  • voucherCode  - The voucher code to be cancelled.  (string  / Required)


 Response: Successful

    "successfulRequest": true

 Response: Error (Not Found)

    "errorMessages": [
        "Voucher not found"
    "successfulRequest": false

 Response: Error

    "errorMessages": [
        "Voucher is already cancelled or redeemed"
    "successfulRequest": false