Vend Service API
PayPoint allows you to be part of the online transaction flow, where we inform your vend service of a payment authorisation and a valid Vend Code or TopUp Code (UTRN) is returned allowing for the transaction to be completed and funds captured.
The following API details describe how we inform you when a transaction has occurred and request a vend code. The documentation also contains details of the required response from your vend service endpoint and how we reverse vend requests if there is an error.
Request Format
The Vend Service API is REST based and communication is conducted over a HTTPS connection using TLS v1.2. The request, if required can also contain an additional basic access authentication by containing 'Authorization: Basic <credentials>', in the header where credentials is a Base64 encoding of username:password that you have provided.
Request/Response Headers
The header of the responses and the requests that PayPoint POSTs to your endpoint contains the following:
request-type - Type of request payment/reversal/refund (optional)
content-type - We will send requests and receive responses in the application/json codec
connection - We will try to keep the connection always open (Keep-Alive), sending and receiving messages interlaced.
x-request-id - This is an unique id for the request and must be returned in the response
content-length - The API does not support chunk messages; therefore, all the request and responses contain size of the entity-body, in bytes.
Request Body
The body of the requests that PayPoint POSTs to your endpoint contains the following parameters:
transaction_id - Transaction ID to identify the request - up to 15 alphanumeric characters
original_transaction_id - The transaction of the original request (reversal/refund only) - up to 15 alphanumeric characters
amount - The vend amount requested by the customer - fixed 12 digit number i.e. 000000001000 is £10.00
pan - Primary account number/Customer Id - up to 19 digit number i.e. 9826000001760704012
Vend Request
When a customer has made a payment request via the PayPoint Retail Network or our MultiPay Digital Service we will POST you a vend request to your endpoint. The vend request will contain details of the transaction including the customer's PAN and the amount of the payment, as shown below:
POST /payment HTTP/1.1
Note: If you are making an immediate and un-reversible top-up to a customer account, we recommend that you wait 10 minutes between receiving the vend request and applying the top-up to the account in order to allow for a possible reversal to occur.
Vend Request Response
Upon processing the vend request, you will need to return a 200 JSON response containing the result of your vend activity. The response must contain the x-request-id that matches the vend request in the header, the transaction id of the request, the customers PAN and an appropriate response_code .
If we do not receive a 200 response we will fail the vend request and inform the customer that their payment request has failed. We will also send you a vend reversal request.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"transaction_id": "PPT19000003",
"pan": "9826000001760704012",
"response_code": "00",
"amount": "000000001000",
"message": "The Payment was successful. The account will be updated in maximum 10 min.",
"code": "66940310250465240929"
Upon a successful vend activity, you will need to return the response code 00, the vend code and the message that you wish to print on the paper receipt from the PayPoint Retail Network Terminal.
response_code - Code indicating if the vend was successful or if an error has occurred - fixed 2 digit number. See Response Codes.
message - The message to be printed on the paper receipt from the PayPoint Retail Network Terminal. The message field can be used in junction with the response code field where multiple error messages need to be printed on the receipt, based on the error type. If there is no need to differentiate the errors that a single response code can be used (preferred 05) with multiple messages - up to 240 alphanumeric & special characters
code - The top-up/vend code or UTRN required by the customer - up to 20 alphanumeric characters
Vend Reversal Request
A vend request can fail to reach your endpoint or we fail to receive a vend response. In both cases we will send you a vend reversal request within 10 minutes of sending the original vend request. In addition, if the terminal within the PayPoint Retail Network fails to receive the vend response within 28 seconds, the terminal will print a failed receipt and will also send a vend reversal request.
Because a vend reversal occurs as a consequence of an error, the request is considered as advice of an event that has already taken place, and therefore can not be refused by your endpoint.
The vend reversal request will contain the customer's PAN, amount and the original transaction id of the failed transaction, as shown below:
POST /reversal HTTP/1.1
Note: If the vend reversal request fails, we will keep sending the reversal request, every 30 seconds until we receive a response (the number of retries is configurable).
Vend Reversal Response
Upon receiving a vend reversal request, you must return a 200 JSON response containing the x-request-id that matches the vend reversal request.
If the original vend request fails to reach your endpoint and we send a reversal request then your reversal response shown contain response_code 25 (unable to locate record). If we or the terminal fails to receive your vend response then you will need to process the reversal and return a response_code 00 (success), as shown below:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
{"transaction_id": "PPT19000003",
"original_transaction_id": "PPT19000002",
"pan": "9826000001760704012",
"response_code": "00",
Vend Refund Request
If transaction has been successful and the customer has received the vend, the transaction can no longer be reversed, however the customer can request for a refund. A vend refund request will only be sent if the refund request is with 10 minutes of the original successful transaction.
The vend refund request will contain the customer's PAN, amount and the original transaction id of the successful transaction as shown below:
POST /refund HTTP/1.1
Vend Refund Response
Upon processing the vend refund request, you will need to return a 200 JSON response containing the result of your vend refund. The response must contain the x-request-id that matches the vend refund request in the header, the transaction id of the request, and the original transaction id for the transaction that is being refunded.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"transaction_id": "PPT19000003",
"original_transaction_id": "PPT19000002",
"pan": "9826000001760704012",
"response_code": "00",
"message": "Payment successfully refunded.",
Upon a successful vend refund, you will need to return the response code 00, and the message that you wish to print on the paper receipt from the PayPoint Retail Network Terminal. If you decide to refuse the refund request you should return a response code of 05.
Response Codes
In your 200 JSON response to a vend request you will need to include a 2 digit numeric response_code, as described below:
00 - Approved or completed successfully
05 - Do not honor
06 - Error
12 - Invalid transaction
13 - Invalid amount
14 - Invalid card number
25 - Unable to locate record
26 - Duplicate record
48 - No customer record
Note: Please contact your account manager, if you wish to add additional response codes or not implement all the response codes listed above.